Saturday, February 17, 2018

Boy Mom, Morning Rituals, Starting the Day Right

The cold wet air of February awakened my senses early, 
too early.
Yet reluctant to leave that lovely deep sleep I had been enjoying, I lingered. 
 Not a morning person, to say the least. 

 My cheerful daughter popped her head in the room to see if I would like a cup of coffee, 
and I heard the stirrings of the children: 
someone making breakfast...oh yes, today would be Jim's day. 
 I could hear the muffled giggles and squeals from Olivia and Gabe
 along with a rhythmic bump on the wall....
so surmising they are swinging in the hammock with the cat. 
 The other boys are doing the outside chores:
 firewood, chickens and other animals, starting the generator,
 and they have noises too,
usually shooting and crashing sounds,
 because, in their minds, 
they are ever in a battle-
 saving the day as all around them danger and evils loom. 

 We have 5 boys, you  know...these boy noises
 have been an ever present part of our married life, which is now nearly 29 years. 
 These boys of ours may be wild men and warriors outdoors, 
but once they cross the threshold of our cabin, 
the boy noises cease, and they are now gentlemen,
 respecting mama's need for war to stay outside.

The clatter of dishes gets me up, finally.
  Someone is setting the table, breakfast will be soon.
  All the happy clamor of our morning routines are a joy to my soul.
  I light the candles, 
we say grace,
 eat together, 
Daddy reads the Bible,
 we sing a hymn.
  Its a little early for me to sing, but I warble out a joyful song and nobody seems to mind.
  The day has begun.

  Daddy is off to the office, the older children have their work and schooling.
  I, with the younger four, gather in the living room in front of the fire
 for our morning time together.  
Poetry, Americana, and Great Explorers enliven our minds
 and give me another chance at a cup of coffee before real brain activity begins. 

Though not a morning person,  our morning rituals,
the companionship, the cheerfulness all sings to my soul,
 stirring in my heart gratitude for God's goodness, for family, for another day. 
It is the sweet and gentle start I need.
They need.

 Soon, math, reading and Bible will be completed, 
and with lunch, I will send the boys,
 and girls too, 
outside for a few hours of boy noises before continuing our school day. 
 They will come tromping in wet, muddy, swaggering, 
boasting of their conquests as we have tea and goodies. 
 I will read to them The Willows In Winter for a good long while as they settle down.

 As afternoon wears on, and all subjects are accomplished, 
when the frig and the pantry have been thoroughly pillaged, 
light has faded
 and so the forging of knives,

 the tinkering on a truck,
 the slaying of would- be assailants has come to an end,
 then, our evening begins 
and talk of current events,
 future plans of what to be when they grow up,
 games of chess and checkers,
 then second dinner before bedtime, 
and thus ends our day.

 This boy mom expires early and sleeps hard.
Turns out, I am not much of a night person either. 
But, then too, raising boys is hard work.

 But isn't it so true that that which is so tiresomely accomplished is worth the most?  

I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
  All the dirt, mud, frogs, worms, stitches, noise, and exasperation, 
its worth all my whitening hair and then some.
 I love raising boys.
  I adore my sons, especially when they cook breakfast!


  1. How I have missed your posts!

    Delight all around, the work of daily life, the nuturing of souls, and the knitting of hearts together!

    Sons who make breakfast! Awesome!

    1. Thank you, Deanna. You know you are a big part of all this. You and me...miles apart, but close at heart.

  2. Oh what a blessing it is to once again step into the world of Providence Lodge via the words of this blog. It is always a delight to read your words as you paint a picture of life in the Primer household. You have been much missed in this space and I know that this new entry is sure to brighten the hearts of your followers.

    I was just thinking of you this past week as I noticed the snow now returning after some rather nice days.

    Welcome back! It is so good to hear from you, like a mother bear gone dormant and just now starting to come back to life.

    1. Thank you, Carl! Laughing at your mother bear analogy, not the first time I think you have used that to describe me....still laughing.

  3. Good to read your words again on your blog!

    1. Bethany, it has been the prayers of many people just like you and your sweet family that have held me up through, what I hope has been the worst of this illness. Thank you for being such a thoughtful, prayerful friend!

  4. K and I have missed your posts and both your virtual and actual hospitality.
    Don’t be a stranger. We’ll get out your way again if the Lord allows.

    1. Oh, Hello! I am so glad you are still there!! We would love to see you if you get up this way again...what a great time we had together. Isn't the family of God wonderful that way, how you can meet a new family and be instantly on the same page. It was just that way with you all. take care down there...I have heard its getting a bit rough in your neck of the woods.

  5. So happy to see you back to posting! You've been missed!

    1. Thank you Pam, I have missed sharing my heart here as well.

  6. Love you lady! Great post! I have so missed reading them!

    1. Danette, love you too! You, dear, are my sunshine. I am ever grateful to be your friend. Thank you for your encouraging words!

  7. Good thing you're bloggin again! I can read between the popcorn convos this way! Not only that, but what a beautiful view of home life and raising boys... from your keyboard to my heart! Love it!

    1. What a blessing you are, lady! We WILL get to have that long uninterrupted talk one day, and I am looking forward to it!!

  8. Oh, Julianne, it is SO GOOD to see you writing here again! I have a very, very short list of blogs to follow, but I left yours there, hoping you would return, but also because every time I saw your name on the list, I was reminded to pray for you, your husband, your family, and good health for all of you. I want you to know that your writings here in the past have been such an encouragement to me, and that you have been a Godly role model for me of a true Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 woman. I have been so thankful many times over that you left your blog up, because I have gone back and read your words here more times than I can count, and came away blessed with a renewed focus and right perspective again. Your writing here has truly been a light shining for the Lord and has had a great impact on myself, our family, our home, and our homeschooling, and I am so grateful for it. And what a fine group of young men you have there, and boy, have they grown! What a joy to have a peak into Providence Lodge once again!
    ~ Kimberlee

    1. Oh Kimberlee, this is just exactly why we are doing this. Your words are such an encouragement that there IS a need and we DO have an impact. Thank you for your prayers over the lapse of posts! May the Lord bless you and your family.

  9. Oh, so pleased to see this post! Missed you!

    1. Well thank you! I appreciate that more than you may know. It seems like there are so many opportunities out there, surely what I have to say isn't all that, right? But I cannot leave it alone. The Lord has kept impressing on us that we need to keep this blog going, what I have to say does fill a need.

  10. I feel like I ran into a long lost friend this morning when I sat down and saw that you had posted! Thank you for sharing your life with so many, I don’t read many blogs and as a young mama of 6 soon to be 7 I find such comfort and encouragement in your words. Thank you!

    1. Aw, that is the sweetest comment. Thank you, Jaclyn for your kind words. We are trying to get this blog out there again, to mamas just like you, for the express purpose of encouraging. We would be ever so pleased if you have a chance to pass along our link to others. Blessings to you and your growing family!

  11. Julianne,
    This touched my very soul! You are such an inspiration & a blessing to me! I am excited to see your writing again!

  12. Oh my goodness what a delight! Couldn’t have come at a better time. I was In need of some guidance and inspiration today... check a few of my favorite blogs.. nothing... tried yours not expecting anything... and there you are! This is how my mind ran... “wait it looks different, March 2018... are we 2018?... we are... how many posts have I missed... ( scrolled back)... ok two. This requires a special moment.” Waited for the kettle to boil, made a tea, checked my littles were playing and sat and devoured. I have never commented on here.. I started to read your blog years ago in England. I’m 2014 we moved to the States adding to our brood of four making it six since we moved. Your blog has been an utter inspiration to me.. I’ve even made my
    Husband read a few posts which were great on married life advice. Totally made my
    Day... thank you so much.

  13. OH, how well you speak of my soul. Four sons, long before the young daughter joined us! It IS a joyous life! Thanks for writing, Julianne.


Your comments and input are very much appreciate
- Blessings!

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