Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Time Vacation

This is the time of year that we load up the big red van 
and travel across Washington to Camano Island for a week of vacation.
Munching on fried chicken and grapes, we listened to a dramatized version of Tom Sawyer,
 which kept us all chuckling for the majority of the 7 hour trip, and surprisingly,
 wound up to be one of the least messy meals in voyage ever.
For those who were still restless,
I had packed each child a sports bag with a new drawing pad, color book, pencil, color crayons,
pack of gum, silly putty, and a small figure or two such as superheros, animals or dolls.
We also bought water,
 which is just weird by the way,
 and tied different colors of cloth around the bottle necks to differentiate who's bottle belongs to whom.

Our first priority has been to relax at the guest house.
  Brian and I are doing as little as possible. 
Watching the grass grow is about as active as I plan on being for a few days.
 The whole family is enthralled with the gorgeous GRASS! 
 At home, we have mud, and eventually, there will be spotty patches of weeds in the yard.
  But the lush green grass here is beautiful and beckoning.  
The children have been playing freeze tag, sardines, hide and seek, riding bikes,
 and just rolling down the grassy slopes in the generous yard.

Yesterday was nice and sunny, so we went down the road a  bit to the beach, 
which is always amazing. 
 The sand is mezmorizing, there are endless rocks for boys to throw in the water,
 and bugs and small crabs to discover,
 as well as old clam shells and piles of pebbles and drift wood pieces to collect, 
birds to chase, cliffs to climb and trails to adventure through, 
and waves to be splashed in, of course. 
 It is a virtual heaven for active children to spend their boundless energy playing on all afternoon.

As the afternoon wears out, with tummies rumbling for dinner, 
we amble back to the big red van and on to our haven of rest.  
It's vacation, and I hear a microwave dinner calling my name.


  1. Julianne,

    What a blessing to you and your family to get away and just rest.

    Solitude is wonderful, the time spent with family and with God.

    I hope you have a great time. We're leaving this Saturday for Virginia for a week to rest also.

    Thanks for sharing,


Your comments and input are very much appreciate
- Blessings!

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