Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Time For Rest

Ours was a quiet weekend to renew the soul. 
Most of the children were gone, just the two littlest home with my love and I. 
Snow gently falling. 
Time for long naps, puttering,
a walk down the drive in the chilly air.
  The promise of cold weather this week 
made me all the more inclined to snuggle in and spend a while in delightful hibernation. 
I must have needed it.

Then on Sunday, the pastor,(my hubby ya know)
ruggedly handsome in his cowboy boots and wranglers 
after taking a spill on the ice in his dress clothes,
preached his heart out on Psalm 103,
the gratitude and thanksgiving that should define us, 
and introduced the congregation to a new to us song, 
  A beautiful melody with words of life
we need so much to recall to mind over and over, 
until it becomes the song and beat of our heart.

Again a quiet afternoon, and all safely gathered in,
laughing, enjoying, teasing, with the usual tickling and chasing
that is incessant when you have several young children around. 
Hearty food was gladly gobbled up by children with apparent tapeworms.
The lodge pleasantly warm despite the dropping temperatures,
extra blankets thrown on the beds,
and the promise of hot cocoa in the morn.
Let it snow, let the below zero weather come,
I am refreshed and refueled by the simplicity of a boring day,
and at least in spirit,
  ready to embrace another week.
  Even though we have tried to slow our pace,
it is so easy to let things pick back up until we are feverishly hungry for calm, 
slow, restful hours that we so need.
“We should do this more often,” my husband said midday Saturday. 
I nod.
We all should.
Everyone needs a perfectly boring day now and then, 
and if it is terrible weather,
that just makes it all the more romantic in my book.


  1. I absolutely love days like this! Our oldest daughter, Margaret, just returned home from Montana Wilderness School of the Bible, and we spent the weekend just enjoying her. We cozied up in blankets, lit the candles, had tea and coffee, and chatted. Four of the children were at Christmas play practice and when they returned the house became noisy again. But I wouldn't change it for anything! Enjoy the cozy days waiting for the arrival of your baby.

  2. Glad you had a peaceful weekend. We got unusual snowfall in the Seattle area and it's been a lovely couple of days....


Your comments and input are very much appreciate
- Blessings!

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