Thursday, February 3, 2011

Homeschooling Flexibility

One of the things I so love about homeschooling is the flexibility. 
Second semester, I like to add a new courses on top of the basics,
something interesting to perk us all up from the winter doldrums.  
This year, I chose World War 2 history and Piano.
  Both are subjects I have been quite remiss in in the past. 
We are really enjoying both, 
although I do not recommend starting 4 children
in the same piano lesson at the same time, 
because that means you have to listen to it 
(the 30 minute lesson) 4 times!!! 

Bethany has taken up piano too, 
in a way only an exuberant 4 year old can. 
She likes to sing while she plays. 
The other day she was playing away, when she burst forth in song;
"I LOVE THE SMELL OF AIR...."  (to the tune of Amazing Grace.)

The hilarity of having preschoolers in the house
is that they often want to do everything the bigger children are doing.
  In Gabe's case, he trots after the others,
desiring to be included arms outstretched toward them
saying, "ME, ME!" 
He also colors and tries determinedly to write his alphabet in big kid fashion.

Homeschooling is a great blessing to me. 
I relish time with our children. 
Having the little ones follow the older children around all day 
has wonderful benefits as well,
such as the two year old who knows his alphabet
and the 4 year old that is almost reading..."trickle down" home education.
Not to mention, the older ones can help throw in a load of laundry
now and then when I just cannot get to it, 
or hold the baby while they read their history, or study memory verses.  

We have always home schooled, so I really know nothing else.
It has become a lifestyle. 
I am so thankful for the ability to change things around to fit the adjustments of having a new little one in the house, 
or to accommodate the seasons, 
or combine appointments in town with a field trip.
The flexibility of homeschooling works great with a large family
and a full ministry schedule.

I must be honest and tell you that I still have days of feeling inadequate, discouraged, or irritable,
(doesn't everyone?)
but by and large, each day is a joy and delight.

Speaking of delights,
Here's the latest of miss Olivia:


  1. OH! She sure has changed in this short amount of time. What a dolly! :)

  2. What a blessed life you have! And Miss Olivia is an absolute Gem!

  3. Olivia is ABSOLUTELY beautiful! As are all of your kids :) I love hearing about your you handle so much with such grace. :) Homeschooling, for us, is a blessing as well. I was just telling my husband last night that it is a true joy for me, thankfully, he agrees!

    Such a blessing!

  4. Am I seeing red hair on this sweet one? How sweet. I am glad you are starting piano with your children. I know what you mean by the repetion of the first lessons.


  5. Homeschooling is a blessing to our family too. But the beauty of your youngest is what caused me to comment. What a darling!


Your comments and input are very much appreciate
- Blessings!

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