Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ordinary Days

These last few days have been ordinary days.
Days full of ordinary activities, 
making meals, wiping up spills,
changing diapers, hugging and kissing little ones,
teaching long division with the hope that someday they will get it.
Talking over life issues with the older children,
digging in my Bible for daily wisdom.

 Every day, seeking to know Him better,
to live in Him more fully, 
learning to be a good mother, teacher, wife, friend.
 Setting out to be teachable and more humble than yesterday.

 Every day, loving my family,
seeing the beauty that surrounds us,
worshiping the Maker of it all.
 Taking delight in the simple things, 
being thankful for everything.

Every day, it is important, especially in trials,
to see humor in life, and not to take ourselves too seriously.
(There is nothing like having a two year old in the house to provide a great amount of humor.)
But God gives us ample opportunity as well, and we thank Him.

These are the aspects of our everyday, ordinary life.
It is good.


  1. Ordinary days are the ones you look back on and miss the most - the newborn cry as you look at your teenager, the piles of Legos as you see the clean floor, the pink rubber boots as you watch her trying on heels. I want to cherish every minute and store them up - they fly by so fast!

  2. Julianne, thank you for sharing your life with me. Also, for sharing your beautiful pictures. I also enjoyed reading your beautiful daughter's blog. If she ever wants to come to Alaska, I would love to have her!

    I wish I could get to know you better. I can't wait to come back to Idaho and meet with you ladies again.



Your comments and input are very much appreciate
- Blessings!

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