Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Worth It All

One pair of jeans. 
One dinner out at a restaurant.
  3 or 4 coffees a week from the espresso stand.
2 music CDs. 
It is small thing.
But it is a big thing for them.

Every 2 seconds a child dies from food or water related illness.
  And we, if we give but a little, can change that for one child, or two, or three. 
  Last spring, our daughter received a letter from one of our Compassion children, 
8 year old Anna from Kenya, thanking her for the Christmas gift she received.
  It was a bag of flour, some lard and a dress. 
Because of our support, Anna is able to attend a school, learn about Jesus,
and her family benefits with good food.

Each of our daughters have supported a child for the past three years,
and all of us share a third child. 
Sometimes, caring for three extra children may seem like a burden,
but then, I can look around me at all we have and know 
that we are blessed with plenty and are well able to give.
One badly written letter and sweet little picture will endear your heart 
to think less of your own comforts
and more for this little one who needs you 
to be the blessed hands and feet of Jesus in their desperate world.

It is  a small thing, and very much worth it all.

holy experience


  1. As I read this I an so impressed and reminded of my dear friends. Missionaries to Peru. They are home now and praying for their next journey there. The not only share the love and salvation of our Lord and Saviour but they build latrines‘, but they teach and supply hygiene classes and supply water purifiers.

    Blessings this Wednesday in HIM

  2. I have been praying about sponsoring a Compassion Child, and the more I read about this the more I realize that this is something I need to do...for the child, yes...but to show my adult children the hands and feet of Jesus at work in our lives.

    Thank you for spurring me onward!!


  3. Thank you so much for reminding me of child sponsorship. I often meant to take this up again as I had sponsored a child when I was in college.

    As the mom of 5 sons, I requested a girl in my search and could not decide among them so ended up sponsoring THREE little girls. One in Honduras, one in Indonesia, and one in Kentucky . I am so excited to start writing to them and collecting little "girly" treasures to send to them.
    Thank you again for writing about this and reminding me.


Your comments and input are very much appreciate
- Blessings!

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